joi, 3 septembrie 2009

Illusion and reality

Fear and Love

Fear or Love... What drives you? Fear or Love?

What about being blended those fellings?? is it possible???
No! WHen I feel fear for someone, it will allways be so!
When I feel love, (for whom did you feel love? :D:D: ), I will always feel so. - I say that because now, to love means that someone else fears me :)) hahha, and I am so sure of that persons' love, that I don't feel the fear towards that person.

The ideas are revisable anyway:)... The impressions are always developing !
To be continued...

I am reading
a book which offered me some answers for tonight, about my personality.
Perhaps I will do a small analyze about my personality,
The truth about myself, make me feel good.

to be continued

cu Ivry Gitlis

cu Ivry Gitlis
Sweden 2009

Critic, deci exist!(cu "gz", va rog).... Iubesc, deci traiesc!

Iubeste-ti aproapele ca pe tine insuti!

Ma iubesc pe mine?

Sau prefer sa ii ajut pe ceilalti, astfel incat sa nu mai am timp de mine, de viata mea sufleteasca...

Am planuri? De ce as avea? pentru ca fiecare are, isi face niste scopuri in viata, prevede ceva pentru propria viata, pas cu pas. De ce mi-ar trebui un program?
Ca sa nu lincezesc....

plecarea din constanta

plecarea din constanta
din tren