sâmbătă, 23 iunie 2012

The Lioness, the Love - by Nichita Stanescu

The lioness, the love
jumped in my face.
She lurked in tension
long ago.
Her white fangs stucked into my face.
and out of a sudden, the nature
became a circle, moving along,
sometimes wider, sometimes closer,
like a water gathering.
And my sight sprang up there,
rainbow divided into two,
and the hearing meet her up,
so near to the skylarks.

I took my hand to my eyebrow,
to the temple and the chin,
but hand no longer knows them.
And it glides unconsciously
on a desert in its glow,
acrossed lazily,
by a coppery lioness,
with her cunning gestures,
and again....

free translation in English By CataRu2000 <3

cu Ivry Gitlis

cu Ivry Gitlis
Sweden 2009

Critic, deci exist!(cu "gz", va rog).... Iubesc, deci traiesc!

Iubeste-ti aproapele ca pe tine insuti!

Ma iubesc pe mine?

Sau prefer sa ii ajut pe ceilalti, astfel incat sa nu mai am timp de mine, de viata mea sufleteasca...

Am planuri? De ce as avea? pentru ca fiecare are, isi face niste scopuri in viata, prevede ceva pentru propria viata, pas cu pas. De ce mi-ar trebui un program?
Ca sa nu lincezesc....

plecarea din constanta

plecarea din constanta
din tren