miercuri, 31 octombrie 2012

Tablitele de la Tartaria

Tablitele de la Tartaria

Aceasta propozitie a devenit leit-motivul ultimilor ani.
CU toate acestea, cidn va aparea o carte despre adevarata istorie. Adevarata istorie a Romanilor si despre continuitatea lor, culturala, in zona cartpato-danubiana-pontica in ultimii 9000 de ani.

joi, 25 octombrie 2012

fresh cold air

Wonderful day. wonderful trip in the mountains.

beautiful residences, then the grey rocks,as if they were melted candels, the top of the mountains in the clouds,then the large Bekaa Valley. and the fresh air from Zahle, mademe rememeber the trips to the mountains ,this summer ,and the trip to Bretagne:)! wonderful times, of fresh cold air!
I just love it!

duminică, 7 octombrie 2012


am fost la spectacolul Lord of the Dance. la PLatea! daca lordul "platea", de public nu se ascundea,playbackul nu se vedea :)!

luni, 1 octombrie 2012



I'm scared
So afraid to show I care
Will he think me weak
If I tremble when I speak
Oooh - what if
There's another one he's thinking of
Maybe he's in love
I'd feel like a fool
Life can be so cruel
I don't know what to do

I've been there
With my heart out in my hand
But what you must understand
You can't let the chance
To love him pass you by

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
I'll hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him (ooohh)
With the gentleness you feel inside(I feel it)
Your love can't be denied
The truth will set you free
You'll have what's meant to be
All in time you'll see

I love him(then show him)
Of that much I can be sure(hold him close to you)
I don't think I could endure
If I let him walk away
When I have so much to say

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
Hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

Love is light that surely glows
In the hearts of those who know
It's a steady flame that grows (oh ooh oh oh)
Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
Tonight love will assume its place
This memory time cannot erase
Your faith will lead love where it has to go

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Whisper words so soft and sweet
Hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

ooh ooh ooh
Never let him go

you don't really care, you are just afraid

a man should behave as a gentleman. always.

this will show that he cares for the woman which praises him with her love.

I am wishing you, Love

I lived for few months, great sensation while talking together. Music followed my senses.

You wanted to bring it down to earth, all my imagination ? Well, now it is over. My imagination is gone, because you were in a hurry.

Then you chose the text : I don't understand you!!

So here we are. I took a decision! You are out of my communication means. Adieu!

You were a bastard, at the end! Perhaps this is part of life.
What brings you up, brings you down in the following moment ;)
So, I lived my moments, at least!

I am living up to high level , all my feelings. So I need an artist, as well :)!

Or, I really met only artistical personalities, and now, I am getting the reverse of the medal:)?

Long live the Life, with Laugh and Joy,

Above all of this I am wishing all of you, LOVE !!!! <3 p="p">


miercuri, 22 august 2012

what do pleople really miss when they say each other:"I miss you"

You said yesterday: I miss you..... I did not feel it :) I was sad. Perhaps I was upset on my self

I say: what wonderful times where then,... We were in the same place and i cannot recall it :) to meet you..
So now I recognize the feeling I had in present times. Feeling of community with your being:)
And also the joy to meet you again... Wonderful.:)

According to the quantum physics, when a particle split into two, they split in space, far away. But they experience similar action upon them...

SO many particles from my being are resonating:.... in different ways...

I am full of goodness happiness and gratefulness 

sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012

Yvresse rules my senses, turmoils my veins, floral and menthol bomb, the fragrance which arouses all my being

sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012

da unui copil iubire si iti va arata infinit mai multa iubire

copiii, iubirea si jocul

Iubirea ne ridica vibratia inimii. Cind inima freamata, de bucurie pentru tot ce ne inconjoara, atunci toate raiurile se deschid in fata ochilor mintii, iar "noi", suntem in armonie cu tot ce ne inconjoara . o lume infinita intr-o molecula de iubire

sâmbătă, 23 iunie 2012

The Lioness, the Love - by Nichita Stanescu

The lioness, the love
jumped in my face.
She lurked in tension
long ago.
Her white fangs stucked into my face.
and out of a sudden, the nature
became a circle, moving along,
sometimes wider, sometimes closer,
like a water gathering.
And my sight sprang up there,
rainbow divided into two,
and the hearing meet her up,
so near to the skylarks.

I took my hand to my eyebrow,
to the temple and the chin,
but hand no longer knows them.
And it glides unconsciously
on a desert in its glow,
acrossed lazily,
by a coppery lioness,
with her cunning gestures,
and again....

free translation in English By CataRu2000 <3

luni, 21 mai 2012

"te cunosc"

...Ma cunosti in limita capacitatii tale de a recunoaste lucrurile care sunt in tine....

duminică, 20 mai 2012

poezia initiatica "Leoaica tinara, iubirea" de Nichita Stanescu

Nichita Stanescu
Leoaică tânără, iubirea
mi-a sărit în faţă.
Mă pândise-n încordare
mai demult.
Colţii albi mi i-a înfipt în faţă,
m-a muşcat, leoaica, azi, de faţă.

Şi deodată-n jurul meu, natura
se făcu un cerc, de-a-dura,
când mai larg, când mai aproape,
ca o strângere de ape.
Şi privirea-n sus ţâşni,
curcubeu tăiat în două,
şi auzul o-ntâlni
tocmai lângă ciocârlii.

Mi-am dus mâna la sprânceană,
la tâmplă şi la bărbie,
dar mâna nu le mai ştie.
Şi alunecă-n neştire
pe-un deşert în strălucire
peste care trece-alene
o leoaică arămie
cu mişcările viclene,
încă-o vreme,
şi-ncă-o vreme...

Inima, accesata cu cheia potrivita, determina ca totul imprejurul meu sa fie inceputul unei imensitati, infinitati de unde concentrice.

Punctul de pornire este picatura de iubire,  care ajunsa in oceanul universal vibrational schimba complet peisajul prin care imi percep propria fiinta.

Dupa explozia si expansiunea iubirii din inima, moleculele de apa tasnesc precum apa dintr-o fantana. Simturile se contopesc: vaz, auz, pipait, miros, si se intilnesc sus, linga curcubeu, in vibratiile cantecelor ciocarliilor....

La revenirea in eul transformat, vechea minte devine un desert, ca dupa o explozie nucleara, cind totul se reintoarce la firul de nisip...
In acest desert stralucitor, unduirile viclene ale mintii isi asteapta randul unei noi exprimari.

Totul este in miscare, totul este o transformare
Iubirea e triumfatoare si a tot transformatoare.
Este energia latenta, in acelasi balansoar cu energia miscarii.

   Love make all the nature turn around,the being becomes the source of concentric vibrations, the water bears those waves, further and further  ; the ALL SEEING being(the Self/the heart) becomes the fountain, becomes the rainbow, and the hearing blends up with the colors, up in the sky, while the lark already reached the sun light <3; Later, back to the physical body, the senses are transformed. the boundaries are completely changed... The golden shiny desert of the"everything" is the place where the seeds of a new wave and pulse are planted again and again... Everything transforms ; the explosion brings up the desert, the multitude of sand grains...The metaphors and their possible meanings may continue  for such an initiatory poem...

By CataRu2000  <3

duminică, 22 aprilie 2012


you are the song of a lark in her runway to the light

you are the edelweiss struggling to come out from the rocks  of the mountain.... in the search of the sun rays and the mountain dew

sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012


Have you ever seen a theremin?


It is an electronic musical instrument

I think that orchestra is the theremin of the conductor :)...

Orchestra sounds at the gestures of the conductor, similar to the way theremin player changes the pitch and volume of the sound by hand movements in the electro-magnetic field produced between the two antennas of the theremin..

Ethereal music


joi, 29 martie 2012

tot ce te inconjoara e reflectarea interiorului tau :)! <3

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

come to my dream...
vino in viziunea mea...

marți, 24 ianuarie 2012

Traim sa vedem reactia celorlalti la actiunile proprii, actiunile de a vraji si de a incinta cu propria prezenta? Nu. Chiar daca aceasta interactiune ne face sa ne simtim folositori in viata asta. Dar poate ca nu "trebuie" sa fiu folositor nimanui. Ci doar Sa FIU!. ...






ca sa fiu animal sociabil, "trebuie" sa aplic regulile nescrise ....

Uite ca aleg sa nu aplic regulile sau comportamentul altora. Pentru ca fiecare vede simte traieste in mod personal,...

Ma revolt?
 Contra cui?

cu Ivry Gitlis

cu Ivry Gitlis
Sweden 2009

Critic, deci exist!(cu "gz", va rog).... Iubesc, deci traiesc!

Iubeste-ti aproapele ca pe tine insuti!

Ma iubesc pe mine?

Sau prefer sa ii ajut pe ceilalti, astfel incat sa nu mai am timp de mine, de viata mea sufleteasca...

Am planuri? De ce as avea? pentru ca fiecare are, isi face niste scopuri in viata, prevede ceva pentru propria viata, pas cu pas. De ce mi-ar trebui un program?
Ca sa nu lincezesc....

plecarea din constanta

plecarea din constanta
din tren